Money Made Manageable

One of Europe’s fastest-growing business lenders, iwoca, is a global fintech company providing finance in a way that’s fresh, flexible and friendly. Their key message? Finance should feel like a superpower, not a headache. iwoca approached Captive Minds when they found that although traffic to their website was healthy, they wanted to improve the bounce rate on their key informational pages, and ensure people had a smart, simple way to learn about the different terminology involved in business finance.

The Brief

To boost their website dwell time, their SEO, and their customer’s confidence in financial terminology, Captive came up with a plan to create a video series that combined footage and animation to break down the tough topics. The educational, engaging videos served to explain key business terms whilst hosted on the important informational pages – drawing the viewers in for longer.

The video format needed to be simple but comprehensive, allowing for a complex theme to be distilled. In addition, the iwoca customer is not stuffy or old-fashioned: they’re modern and social savvy. So the videos needed bags of energy – popping with visuals which inject fun into what could be seen as ‘dry’ business topics.

The result was three videos presented by iwoca’s very own staff and shot in their very own office, combined with animations built to match the overall brand guidelines of the company. You can watch the videos below… or visit iwoca’s website to see them in their native environment!